Customer testimonials

Davies Mckerr Logo

I would highly recommend Field Notes for any ethnographic research project. This tool provides high-quality video outputs from participants and is very user-friendly for both respondents and project management.

The backend functionality is top-notch, allowing for easy project management and task assignment. This feature enables the assignment of specific tasks for each segment, providing granularity in the research process.

In today's world, clients demand more and more high-quality video content, and Field Notes is the perfect solution to ensure you receive that footage. The app is very easy for respondents to use, and the prompts and landscape filming features are incredibly helpful.

Davies McKerr

Gemic Logo

Field Notes is our go-to for immersive digital research. The interface is attractive and intuitive, encouraging people to jump right in and share generous glimpses into their lives via text, video, and snapshots. On the backend, it’s super easy for us to digest the content and communicate with our interviewees as they go.


Humankind Logo

We have quickly become regular users and lovers of Field Notes! It is simple for us and our research participants to use – and simplicity is key to ensuring there are no obstacles between us and getting a glimpse into their thoughts and world. To be able to get such rich multimedia responses from participants with such ease feels like a real win. The support we receive from the Field Notes team is always quick and helpful – giving us tips, tricks and workarounds wherever necessary. And it is great to see that Field Notes are so responsive to user feedback and are continuously evolving their offer.

Humankind Research

Mental Health Foundation Logo

The Mental Health Foundation commissioned Field Notes to support with an ambitious study around gaming and mental wellbeing that utilised mobile ethnography as one of our core methodologies. The Field Notes team were outstanding in supporting us end-to-end, from helping us shape the design of the activities, to managing the participants, the data, and overall workflow. They are the collaborative and proactive partner you trust wholeheartedly to deliver on their promise, in this instance going above and beyond to ensure the project went smoothly.

Our participants found the text, video and audio features easy to use, and reported that using the voice note option, they opened up more than expected, and even discovered insights about their own mental wellbeing and behaviours in the process of the study. In the end, we gained rich data that was used to build solutions and tools for aiding wellbeing, informing creative outputs that reached 50k+ gamers. We wouldn’t have produced these results without this platform and the brilliant Field Notes team to help us manage it, they were a joy to work with throughout

Mental Health Foundation

The Sound Logo

We've been using the Field Notes platform for a few years now and the video quality is the best out there. Dave, Giulia, and the rest of the team at Field Notes go above and beyond to make sure everything runs smoothly. They reach out for feedback and implement it as the needs for this platform evolve. I highly recommend Field Notes.

The Sound